Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wedensday :)

On Wedensday I woke up not wanting to wake up at all.
Which is why I was partially late to school, also considering the fact my mother dropped me off at the end of the school where my class room was not located.
Yes, I had to walk quite some way to get to my class room. My friend Cole was late as well so we walked together the whole time. On Wedensdays and Thursdays we have block days at our school. Block days are 2 hours each class. (NO, not every class) Just the odds on Wedensdays and evens on Thursdays. Wedensdays are my favorite because on Thursdays I have Algebra for two hours and Spanish for two hours. The highlight of my Thursdays are Advanced Choir, but we will get to that subject on the Thursday blog I will be writing after this :).
Anywho, On Wedensdays I have the following schedual;
Earth Science - 2 hours
ROTC - 2 hours
Lunch - 45 minutes
English - 2 hours

Earth Science...all we did was watch a movie about the world ending. It was interesting, but clearly not the truth. I know God did not approve..! During the movie we had to answer some ridiculous questions about the world ending. I answered the truth of course, :)!

ROTC...yes, I am now in ROTC. To save from having to explain over and over why I joined..I will tell people to go here to know why. Well, as you all know I hate P.E. with a burning passion of a million suns. Yes, you would think that ROTC has a lot of running. But you would be surprised. The ONLY time we excersice is on Wedensdays. The rest of the days we just chill in the class room. And when we do excersice we barely even run in the first place. Were mostly indoors. I also joined because my friends Kara, Ricky, and David are in there and I thought we would have a joyous time :)! Me and Kara are very girly, and we have some tension with the girls in there. They sorda made me cry yesterday...of course, I have been very emotional lately because of that whole GIRL issue us girls have if you know what I mean. But I finally decided I am not going to let those girls think they are so much better then me. Which is why I refuse to quit. Even if we have to wear uniforms on Tuesday! I am not letting those girls get to me anymore. I just cant. So that is why I am in ROTC...I also thought it would be a good experience to get stronger and such (:

Lunch...The funnest lunch I have ever had. Me, Ricky, Kara, Kayleah, and Andrew. I'm sorry but when were all together...we are the funniest people ever :p! We danced in the ROTC room, walked around, joked...and random things that were funny. Its hard to explain :P!

English...was boring. I love english and stuff, but that class takes SO long to end. Its horrible! I sit next to Nick and Dean. We barely speak to eachother, Hahaha. Its boring because we talk about greek god's 24/7 which I dont agree with, but I have to do what I have to do..right? Anyways, I just think that we should do some actual english stuff. Like right stories and things.

Once school was over I was really excited. I ate ribs for dinner and took a shower right before youth group. I have been awaiting youth group since last wedensday and I was really excited. Once I got there Justin and David were skate boarding in one of the youth room's...Then we all ended up going to worship and things. For the lesson I sat with Matt, Justin, and Hunter. We were learning about our lifestyle and things. Justin and Hunter kept trying to make me hold Matt's and Matt were thinking it was quite akward and we kept saying no. Haha. After the lesson we all split up into groups. I was in the highschool group and we had a pretty interesting talk. After the talk I went and attempted basket ball. Then me and matt when to find our friends. Once my mom got there I had to say bye to everyone so I had to make her wait! Hehe. I gave everyone hugs, and left.

Once I got home, I decided it was time to sleep.

And that was my Wedensday in a bundle...